Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Spence's Surgery

They took Spence to the OR at 7:30pm, they had to wait about 45 minutes to make sure that he was stable with the anestisia and they were finished at 9:15pm. Kimberly said normally Spence is really fiesty but he was a "limp noodle" with his mouth hanging open when they brought him back upstairs. His body temp was a little low, so they put a heating blanket on him.
The doctors thought Spence had a perferated valve. The nurses said that he was not suffering, his blood pressure was stable and he had a soft tummy, so they didn't think it was too bad. When they got Spence in surgery they foudn that there was no perferation. So they just cut his intestines where the blockage was and cleaned it out. So now he has really clean intestines. They didn't have to cut off any intestine. There's a little cut on his tummy that has 2 pieces of his intestine sticking out (where the incision they made in his intestine is). They're going to put a colostomy bag on it (which will connect the two pieces of intestine). Spence stayed stable during the surgery and didn't bleed much so they didn't have to do a transfusion.
When Spence gains weight and is about 3-4 lbs. they will sew his intestine back together. The nurses said Spence looks really good and is just relaxing. They hope to start to feed him in 14-15 days.

*Thomas S. Monson said during conference that he could feel the prayers of the people. Joseph told kimberly " I wonder what that feels like" - Kimberly said they now know exactly what that feels like. They are so greatful to everyone that is praying on Spence's behalf. They feel peace from Heavenly Father and its because of everyone that is praying for them.*


Heather said...

It's awesome to be able to see the hand of God working in our lives. How grateful I am that they can feel our Saviour and Father's love. What an amazing feeling!

JoEllen said...

And you had better believe that there were plenty of prayers going up in behalf of those doctors and nurses last night, too! We are so grateful that there is such an awesome place for our sweet little angel to be and such wonderful people with such huge hearts to take care of him until we can have him at home. Blessings abundant and overflowing even in the midst of trial.

libbi said...

oh my goodness...what a PERFECT outcome!!!! We ARE praying and so many people that don't even know you all! Hang in there!