Friday, July 10, 2009

Spence has made it through surgery and is doing well. He will be zonked out for the next two days due to how painful this surgery is. The Nurse Practitioner Dea said that she likes to keep the babies comfortable after surgery so I shouldn't be surprised if he isn't very active for the next few days. They are thinking they may have to put him on an Oscillator breathing machine. The reason they may need to put him on a larger machine is due to the fact that his intestines are inflamed and are putting pressure on his tiny diaphragm, making it hard for Spence to breath. He is currently on an antibiotic to reduce the risk of infection and morphine to reduce the pain from the surgery. Dea said he will be uncomfortable for a little while. Dea seems to think that Spence wont have to be on the Oscillator for to long, she is predicting it will only be for the next 48 hours or until the inflammation in the intestine is gone. Hopefully he wont have any trouble coming off the Oscillator back onto the Vent. After speaking with Spence's nurse Erin and the Nurse Practitioner (Dea) after he is done with this new course of antibiotics they will hopefully be able to get him on some steroids to have him come off the Vent completely .. I am thankful for your continued prayers on Spence's behalf, he is really going to need them now to help him get through this recovery process. Thank you so much for all of the love ..

1 comment:

Leigh This Way said...

We're so glad that everything went well. Keep it up Spence!