Monday, July 13, 2009

Good news, Spence has started his second round of Steroid treatments last night. This will hopefully give him the boost needed to get off the Oscillator and eventually off the conventional Vent as well. From what his Nurse said they are hoping that this will be the last time Spence will need to have any kind of Vent. Hopefully once this round of Steroids is finished he will be stable enough to put back on the Vapotherm and stay on it. His little tummy is looking good, the incision is healing well. I took some pictures of him last night, just to warn you he looks a little swollen. I also took some pictures of his boo boo so everyone can see how good it looks. The last time we checked on his weight he was weighing in at 4 pounds 10 ounces. I know some of you have asked what it will take before he can come home, so here are the determining factors. Spence will need to be able to eat from a bottle, control his body temp, hold his own body weight and also go to the bathroom regularly, seeing as he had an Ostomy this is important. Right now he is not eating, and they are still using the temp sticker in his isolate to control his body temp. Once he is able to start eating again they will be using a feeding tube to feed him. We are thinking that Spence will be in the NICU at least two more months, so we are thinking he might be home late September sometime. The Doctor's don't like to give an exact date because things can always change. We are hoping Spence will surprise us and come home earlier than September, but there is no rush. Thank you again for all of the Love and Prayers being sent our way. We are truly grateful for each and every one of you .

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