Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Update from Tuesday

I have the best news ever to share with you today... Spence is off the ventilator and breathing on his own with the assistance of the vasotherm. I was able to hold him yesterday and he was at a rate of 15 and his O2 concentration was in the low 30's. While I was holding him he was doing really well and loving it so much that he was high sating the entire time. When I was done holding Spence, his Nurse informed me that they were going to try and take him off of the ventilator and put him on the CPAP. I was a little nervouse but was optimistic about it. When Joseph and I went up there to visit him last night, we were informed that he wasn't on the CPAP like we originally thought but that he was actually breathing on his own, and only had the nasal canular in to help him breath a bit easier. Thank you all for your prayers they are helping immensly... We are so blessed to have all of you in our lives, we really appreciate all of the love and prayers being sent our way. I do have a special request, Last night as we were walking up to the NICU Joseph and I came across a family that was really upset about some news they recieved about their baby. This little angel is presently in the same room as Spence and the scene that we saw was upsetting. Many Doctors and Nurse's doing their best to help this little angel. I am asking for prayers on behalf of this family. I am unsure of their trial, but I know that having prayers sent their way will help. I don't know their names but I know what the power of prayer has done for me. It has helped me through one of the most difficult times in my life. I am hoping that through prayer we can ease their pain a little. Thank you so much for always being their for our family. We love each and every one of you !!


Heather said...

YAY! Go baby Spence! It's so great that he's breathing on his own. I knew you could do it little man! ;)

Leigh This Way said...

As soon as I read that he was breathing on his own I had to say HOORAY!! I'm so glad that he is doing so well. When can we see him??!! :)

Barbara said...

Hi, I am Barbara, Kim's mom. I would like to thank everyone that has been praying for Spence and has been there for Kim during this difficult time. I don't travel, and not being able to be there to help Kim out with the girls so that she can see Spence during the day is hard. It is so nice to see that Kim has such loving friends and family there. Again- thank you all from the bottom of my heart.

Anonymous said...

Little Spence, We are so proud of you and the accomplishments you are making. Keep up the good work little guy. Bet it felt so snuggly having mama hold you. You are always in our prayers and now we will also be praying for the angel baby in your room. She will do better too with all the prayers coming her way.

Libbi said...

so happy for you! and so thankful that even in your greatest trial, you are concerned for others...such a Christlike attitude!!!