Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Guess what ... I was able to hold Spence today !!! This week they tried to put Spence on a CPAP machine since his settings were at 10 and his O2 saturation was at 25%. He did ok for the first few minutes but as Nurse Cyndi said he was just to tiny to fly (for it to work). After the first few minutes he got tired and within 45 minutes he was put back on the Ventalator. Since than he has been doing well, his Nurse on Friday (Nurse Erin) said that if he did well on Friday and Saturday that on Sunday I would be able to hold him. My little angel was very good both days and so we were able to take him out of his little baby cage ( as Chloe calls it ) and see how he would tolerate me holding him. As soon as he was settled on my Chest he was doing well. He was High Satting in the upper 90's the whole time, which Nurse Erin said meant he was enjoying himself and really liking it. So now if Spence is having a good couple of days in a row, I will be able to hold him once a day (when his primary Nurse's are there ). He is 2 pounds 12 oz and is eating 5cc's every hour. Our little man is doing well and getting bigger. We have some new pictures of him that we took today that Joseph will put on the computer sometime later this evening... I Love you all ..

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