Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Hello, everyone!

Good news! After almost 5 long months, Baby Spence was released from the hospital yesterday. He came home on an apnea monitor and oxygen but Joseph and Kimberly are glad to have him home in spite of that!

Thanks for all your prayers and support during this time. Even though he is out of the hospital he still has a long way to go so if you would continue to pray for him to stay healthy through this virulent flu season, it would be very much appreciated. Because of the time he had to spend on the ventilator, his lungs are weak and a case of the flu, or any respiratory infection for that matter, would be very dangerous for him. He is a sweet little boy and is doing well at this point! Thanks again for praying for him (and us!)



J, Melanie and Marshall Spears said...

We are so glad that he is finally home. We will continue to pray for him.

Morgan said...

I am so happy to hear that he is now home. I can't imagine what it must be like for him to now be able to be with his loving family all the time and out of the hospital!

Gugel Family said...

Wonderful news! I know your whole family is thrilled! We will keep praying for all of you.

Libbi said...

YAY!!!! Call me (or know she was a very experienced and smart PICU nurse!!) if you need can call me day or night 803 356-6742. Make everyone that comes to your house wear a mask!!! seriously. seriously, I'll bring you some!! SOOOOOOOOOOOO happy for you all!