Monday, August 31, 2009

Spence is 7 pounds 3 ounces and 18 and a half inches long. Spence has been trying really hard to finish his feedings but is having little success. Spence seems to be a very picky eater, he only likes certain people to feed him, and if they aren't feeding him, than he doesn't finish his bottles.
Joseph and I spoke with Doctor Lal on friday and we were informed that they will no longer be able to hold off on Spence's surgeries. Spence has had some vomiting spells and also some issues with his Hernia. It seems as though his Hernia has become more pronounced and not as easily reducible. Doctor Lal has followed Spence since he was born and has never steered us wrong when it comes to what is best for Spence, while we were talking to her we felt good about moving forward with the surgeries. We are still unsure of an exact date but we are thinking it will be sometime this week. (if Doctor Glasser is available) We are happy that we are able to wait a little bit for Doctor Glasser to do the surgery, we feel very comfortable with him, he has been the surgeon on all of Spence's surgeries thus far. Since Spence will be having multiple surgeries in one day he will most likely be out of it for a number of days. Unfortunately with Surgery Spence will have to be put back on the Vent. Hopefully he will tolerate the surgery well and not need to have the Vent in for very long.
The names of the surgeries that Spence will be having are a G-tube, a Nissan, and a hernia repair. While they are doing his hernia repair they are also going to circumcise him. The reason Spence is in need of a G-tube is because due to his Chronic lung disease he is unable to finish his bottles. In order for Spence to come home he needs to be finishing 8 bottles a day. Spence is now up to 3-4 bottles a day with a volume of 61 cc's . Spence was up to 70 cc's but was having issues with vomiting so the Doctor's decided to reduce his volume. With the G-tube it will be easier to up his volume as he grows. Spence will also be able to eat from his bottle at his discretion. Which will also be less stressful for him. This procedure will allow Spence to rest more. We are hoping with this Surgery we will see an improvement in his feedings and lung function.
After the G-tube and the Hernia repair are performed Spence will have a higher risk for a more serious case of Acid Reflux. This is the reason for the Nissan. The Nissan is a surgery that tightens the opening of the stomach making it harder to vomit from Acid Reflux. The reason this is a necessary surgery is because if Spence were to have a serious Vomiting spell due to Acid Reflux and NOT have the Nissan he would be at risk for Aspirating. This is very dangerous. If Spence were to Aspirate, due to his chronic lungs he would be more susceptible for Aspirate pneumonia. This is potentially fatal for him because he does not have enough healthy lung to fight the pneumonia. This is the reason we were told that having the Nissan is necessary. All of this sounds scary but Joseph and I are confident that Spence will do well with these surgeries. We know they are necessary in order for him to come home. We trust Doctor Glasser and Doctor Lal's decisions when it comes to what is best for our dear sweet Spence. Doctor Glasser is a wonderful, very particular, perfectionist surgeon. He takes his time and before he performs any surgery he Prays to our Heavenly Father for guidance. We know that Heavenly Father has sent us this Surgeon and we have faith that all will be well. I am grateful for all of the support and prayers being sent out way. We love you all.


The Gould Family said...

we will continue to pray for spence. hope his surgeries go well! i can't believe how big he is now!! he'll be home so soon! :0)

Libbi said...

Dr Glasser is my very favorite because he is such a GOOD man and a GOOD surgeon! Yay for Spence!!