Monday, May 11, 2009

X-ray update

The x-ray found a hole in Spence's intestines, which has been causing stool to leak inside his body. They are preping him right now to have surgery in a couple hours.
The surgery process:
they'll take his intestine out and see if they can find a dead spot. If they find it, they'll cut it out and try and sew back together.
The doctors said they think he'll do well.
He'll be on 4-5 antibiotics afterwards because they don't know how long he's been leaking stool inside his little body.
Everyone pray for Little Spence!!!


The Gould Family said...

oh my! i hope the surgery goes well!!!

Libbi said...

Who is the surgeon? Camps, Adkins, or Glasser?? I am praying for Spence!

Heather said...

We've been praying for our little Spence tonight. God be with the surgeons, all involved and Spence.