Friday, September 11, 2009

Today has been long but very good. Spence went in for surgery today at 7:30 with Dr. Glasser. Spence did well being put on the vent and he came right off of it after surgery. I am so happy that he only had to be intibated for the surgery and not afterwards. He is doing well, they did a bilateral hernia repair because both sides were herniated. They also did his circumcision and he is looking great. When they brought him up from surgery he was crying loudly because he was mad that he wasn't able to eat yet. I know that once he is able to eat again that he will be very happy and on the road to coming home. I am glad the surgery is over and done with. I know that Heavenly Father has given Spence the strength and stamina needed to accomplish what is needed for him to come home .. Thank you so much for all the prayers. Love you !!!


Morgan said...

I am so glad that things went so well. So glad.

Libbi said...

Yay for Spence!! He is such a miracle baby!! I imagine he will be an awesome missionary one day!!